
Learn From The Expert Mentors Who Have “Been There, Done That”

Avail 1:1 mentorship from 100+ mentors and gain years’ worth of experience in a single session


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We Source Mentors From Top Companies

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The “old” way of finding personal and professional growth advice is broken

  • Blog posts and courses are useful, but at the end of the day, they can’t give you personalized advice

  • Relying on trial and error is the fast track towards making costly mistakes

  • Social media groups are abundant with either contradicting opinions, or thirsty sales pitches

  • Your neighborhood mentors (family, friends, seniors) often give you biased, misleading, or partial advice

  • Professional consultants and coaches don’t have ‘skin in the game’ and they always attempt to upsell



What if you had access to the expertise of mentors who specialize in your particular area of need?

  • See the blind spots in your decision-making from domain experts and make the right call

  • Gain tried-and-true insights and feedback tailored for your unique personal or business situation

  • Get a virtual shoulder to sob on + practical advice on how to move forward

  • Navigate career transitions, and promotions and access a sounding board for career decisions

  • Receive specific skills development roadmap and hidden resources in order to succeed in your career

One-Size-Fits-All Courses Are Dead, Efficient Learning Reimagined With Mentme

A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you. - Bob Proctor.

Explore Mentors
Learn 10x Faster

Learn 10x Faster

Buyback time with situation-specific answers from experts. A targeted 50-minute conversation with an expert can create better insights and save you time and money. Our mentors will help you avoid painful rookie mistakes.

Avoid Expensive Failures

Avoid Expensive Failures

Learn proven strategies and tactics used to scale leading startups. Hustling with no mentors, it’s like trying to find your way around a new city without Google Maps. It may have been acceptable in the past, but today it’s just reckless.

Get Working Field Knowledge

Get Working Field Knowledge

If you are a university student or someone about to join the working force, Mentme is a good step to grasp the working field. Not everything is covered in the textbooks and can be learned based on theories alone, however, nothing can compare to the advice from the industry experts with many years of experience.

Boost Your Confidence

Boost Your Confidence

A show-stopping mascara or a hairdo with too much gel or hairspray isn’t enough to boost your confidence. Having a mentor who truly cares about your success can help you feel more confident in your own abilities.

Unlock The Value Of Mentorship

Unlock The Value Of Mentorship

The best way to make more connections in your industry and beyond is to talk to relevant mentors. Mentors from different backgrounds can help you find opportunities, build networks, and learn more than you expected.

Get Started For Free!

5 sign-up credits + 5 credits for each successful referral

New mentors take a few sessions for little to no credits. There’s a good chance that you can talk to a high-tier mentor with your free credits!

Get your referral code

Avail your 10 free credits now!

Still Wondering How Mentors Can Help You?

Click the images below to discover


Goals are way off from where it should be


Mentor gives you the missing link, strategy

Click to see how mentors can help you

You get settled for the defaults and your hard work gets you growing in a linear way


Mentor finds your strength point and gives you a roadmap to grow exponentially

Click to see how mentors can help you

Outputs are proportional to inputs, input = output


Mentor finds you the point of leverage, output >> input

Click to see how mentors can help you

You put an even bet randomly and rely on your luck


Mentor helps you distribute your resources where you have the maximum scope

Click to see how mentors can help you

Booking A Mentorship Session?

This couldn’t possibly be any simpler

Find a mentor that can help
Finding a mentor is easy. Browse through our list, filter them by category, specific expertise, and more — choose a mentor who you think is most relevant to solving your unique problem. Go through their bio and their work history to match your requirements.
Request a session
Found a mentor you like? No surprise, all our mentors are amazing. Select a convenient time from the available time slots. Tell a bit about yourself and your objectives then click the booking button.
Buy required credits
If you don’t already have the required credits on your account, you need to buy them (you can avail free credits by referring your friends too!). There’s an option to buy credit bundles for the future and save money. More credits mean more sessions with higher-tier mentors.
Show up and get 1:1 guidance
Once approved by the mentor, you’ll get an email containing your meeting details. You can find meeting details on your dashboard as well. When it’s time to show up, simply head over to Google meet and start talking!

Your Competitive Advantage Unlocked

Winners play on their mentors' strength

Antara Raisa

Antara Raisa

Managing Director, ABC Group

Teams sometimes become echo chambers and fall prey to groupthink and stop producing fresh ideas; an external perspective from experts is almost always helpful! Every mentor I’ve spoken with has helped with an idea, but also introductions, connections and offered to help with tactics.

Faizur Rahman

Faizur Rahman

Founder and COO, ByteSlack, Inc.

As a solo founder, it is easy to have blind spots and get stuck. Having a panel of amazing people to speak to help to motivate me. I always felt kind of left out and alone professionally in my work. I’ve been searching for something like Mentme for around 4-5 years by now and couldn’t find it.

Rakib Chowdhury

Rakib Chowdhury

Owner, Dacroon

Sometimes your questions are so specific to your own situation that you simply can’t google them. You need to talk to someone. The ability to bounce ideas with a mentor who has been there, done that is worth its weight in gold.

Frequently Asked Questions

We believe in Active Learning.

Reading blogs and watching courses fall into the passive learning category. You are consuming the knowledge, but most of the time that new info just sits in your brain and is then forgotten.

By speaking things through with someone else, it reinforces the topic and you are way more likely to follow through and actually implement it after a conversation.

PLUS! Every case is unique and deserves personalized advice.

People say, if you want to own Rolls-Royce then stop taking advice from Toyota owners. Most of the time, we take average actions and expect spectacular results.

A wrong mentor can do you more harm than not having a mentor at all. No matter how selfless your neighborhood mentors sound, there must be some string attached.

  • Their advice and solutions are based on their own problems and experiences, which are much different from yours.
  • They make you feel you owe them one and sometimes ask for favors that cost you a fortune.
  • They don’t have ‘skin in the game’ and they don’t take accountability when things go wrong.
  • They pretend like they’ve figured it out all and they give you advice based on their assumption.
  • They’re biased in whatever they do because they’re more likely to prove that they are the best ones.
  • They don’t want you to cross them or become a better version of themselves.
  • Even family members suggest things that are good for the family, not solely for you.

Founder experience or hands-on knowledge + soft skills of coaching (especially if they’re accredited) is a combo that is worth its weight in gold for early stage first-time founders or other growing individuals who want a little bit of assistance.

But there are many coaches that target entrepreneurs and aspiring individuals that have never started a company in their lives nor worked on the very topic they’re teaching. They might be smooth talkers, and great coaches overall, but without real-life experience, it’s difficult to make a profound impact that will not only help on an emotional level but also on a practical level.

If you’re going through a sticky situation in your business, it’s best to speak with a mentor who’s demonstrated professional excellence in the particular field, not just a coach who’s good at talking and has read a couple of blog posts on that topic.

If you want to study at Harvard, you must take guidance from someone who studies or studied there. If you want to be a CEO of a multinational company, you need to learn from a CEO who has taken the same path and succeeded.

Simple answer:

Because they are nice people.

Extended answer:

They genuinely enjoy helping.

They want to share their experiences and help others learn from them. Sharing their experiences, wins, and failures can truly change the trajectory of someone else’s path.

It keeps them on their toes. No better way to sharpen your skills than to teach someone else! Speaking with up-and-coming businesses is fun and exciting!

Mentors have a growth mindset and are looking to learn in each and every situation- including mentoring sessions.

Full disclaimer- there are no silver bullets for personal or business growth, so we can’t make any false promises. For your peace of mind, you can read the following paragraph:

First of all, this is an invite-only mentors platform. We have a rigorous vetting process in place to ensure that all the mentors are well qualified and know their stuff. We’ve established a comprehensive three-step application process to help us to identify the individuals who will flourish as mentors. We don’t only look for the mentors’ domain expertise, but as well as their interpersonal skills.

Go through the mentor’s bio, social handles, and most importantly appreciations (reviews) to see if he/she is a good fit for you.

If you have a growth mindset and are looking to connect with hard-to-reach experienced individuals and learn from them, you will get value from this platform.

We are always around on live chat to help you with your selection as well.

To ensure a quality experience we must charge for the sessions. Payment is our token of appreciation that encourages a mentee to show up on time and be attentive to the mentor. A mentor also gets motivated to take enough preparation for the session and show up on time.

On top of that, we’re building amazing features for both mentors and mentees keeping in mind to expand as a global platform in the future, to fuel that growth we can’t operate without a cash flow.

Online sessions with mentors have no set or defined structure. Each and every circumstance is different, so each session will be unique.

Mentors are responsible for driving the direction of the call.They’ll be there to listen to your story and identify critical points in your decision making and help you understand your situation.

Make sure you share information relevant to the context of the problem that you’re trying to solve. This will help the mentor understand what’s important to you and give you usable insights based on their experience.

If you have technical questions about tools or software, sharing your screen will help the mentors to get a better idea of your workflow.

Mentors and Mentees are responsible for being present and online during the agreed upon, scheduled time.

If you are having a great call and the time is almost up, ask the mentor how he/she would like to proceed.

Options include:

  • Stopping the call and scheduling a follow-up call
  • Just keep going if both parties are cool with it
  • Mentee can offer to book an additional time to compensate the mentor if the mentor agrees to keep going

We understand your concern.

We are very good at getting rid of mentor applicants that view this as a lead generation source. You can rest assured that there is no “catch” or hidden upsell here.

What you get is simply a bunch of friendly startup and personal mentors that just really enjoy helping people. Nothing more, nothing less.

When you are scheduling a session with a mentor you will be provided with a google meet link. We’re working to include other virtual meeting tools like Zoom, Microsoft teams, etc.

Mentme is a GIVE FIRST platform.

This policy literally enforces that.

This allows new mentees to get access to high level advice using their bonus credits.

New mentors are asked to do some free sessions, in the beginning, to get their feet wet and get a feel for the platform.

It’s a win-win for both. Mentors can build up reviews while even bootstrapped startups or talented individuals with financial barriers can get on a session with them.

Mentors know they can add value and help people, so why should they be at the bottom of the list?!

Resources and blogs

MENTEE SUCCESS - April 6, 2022

Checklist for what to do before, during, and after a mentorship session

Getting ready for your first meeting with a mentor? This checklist will help you to make sure that you’re as prepared as possible.

STARTUP MENTORS - June 23, 2022

The Ultimate Guide to Startup Mentors

Founding a startup doesn’t have to be an uphill struggle; there are plenty of people out there who have been in your shoes who want …

MENTEE SUCCESS - June 11, 2022

Finding a Mentor: There’s a New & Non-Awkward Way

If you’ve got your life and business completely figured out, this post isn’t for you. Keep doing your thing. But if you’re looking for …