

What is Mentme

Mentme is a platform that connects hard-to-reach mentors with the mentees who need their valuable advice.

We did a deep systems analysis on how people learn and grow in personal and professional spheres. We identified many flaws. There are no quality standards or training, unclear incentives and guidelines, no ‘skin in the game’ for either party, and no good place to discover the right mentor for you. There’s no wonder so few people get access to good mentors.

We understand the impact of a solid mentorship in professional and personal life. But, we were frustrated with expensive boot camps, online MOOC courses & video programs with their lack of 1-on-1 guidance. That’s why we set out to build a platform that’s affordable, offers rock-solid advice & improves your life.

You can now see further by standing on the shoulders of giants. You can avail trajectory-changing expert advice in personal or startup growth, push through tricky engineering issues and solve your operations with an expert mentor by your side. With a few clicks, you can add a valuable asset to your company. Be it for ideation, growth, or exit – our mentors can cover it all.

You are building a business that takes time, energy, and determination. Then why are you letting startup programs rob your time? Signing up for workshops during office hours, when all you need is a piece of advice?

Read the full story here

How it all started

Hey, I’m Faizur, the founder of Mentme. I like your curiosity — thanks for diving a little bit deeper to find out what Mentme is all about.

For years, I often found myself feeling lonely, professionally.

I would get frustrated and wish that I had someone with a similar mindset to bounce ideas around with. I wish I had someone who would challenge me and expedite my growth process.

The idea for Mentme came from my own personal struggle of being a bootstrapped founder. I wanted to build a platform that I would use myself.

They say the best products and services are those that are created out of a desire to scratch your own itch. Probably, someone else is itchy too! Well, that’s exactly how Mentme was founded.

Mentme Rockstars - Our Team

People find this surprising that Mentme runs by a couple of aspiring interns from diverse backgrounds with the one thing in common being altruistic. I learned how to build truly a lean startup from my mentor Luke O’Brien, CEO of Journey Inc., while working as a growth intern. Now, I’m trying to implement some of his tried-and-tested methods to kickstart an idea really in an agile and lean way.

Faizur Rahman

Faizur Rahman


Fahim Ahmed

Fahim Ahmed

Marketing Intern

Faisal Al Islam

Faisal Al Islam

Content Intern

Nikita Moontana

Nikita Moontana

Communication Intern

Sifat Hossain

Sifat Hossain

Graphics Intern

Shayem Ahmed

Shayem Ahmed

Social Media Intern

As a founder, I’m lucky to have come across a group of exceptionally intelligent young people capable of outperforming traditional employees. They are picking up new skills as they go along and applying forward-thinking ideas to the growth of the platform. Their one-of-a-kind perspectives frequently encourage me to experiment with approaches that are outside the norm.

We live on Slack, Google Meet, and ClickUp and do a pretty damn good job of keeping each other abreast of what’s happening in our respective areas.

You can now see further by standing on the shoulders of giants. You can avail trajectory-changing expert advice in personal or startup growth, push through tricky engineering issues and solve your operations with an expert mentor by your side. With a few clicks, you can add a valuable asset to your company. Be it for ideation, growth, or exit – our mentors can cover it all.

You are building a business that takes time, energy, and determination. Then why are you letting startup programs rob your time? Signing up for workshops during office hours, when all you need is a piece of advice?

Our Core Values


Nobody knows everything and we should all be open to hearing a different perspective on what we are working on.

The world is changing at lightspeed and the professional atmosphere is more competitive than ever before, so how can any one person be expected to keep up?

Opening yourself up to feedback from your peers will not only make you a stronger person but also lead to more confidence in your personal and professional life.

Human Relationships

People make the world go round.

Bots may be impressive, but we’d still rather talk to a human any day.

We believe in the lost art of simply “having a chat”. Mentme comes down to people helping people.

Establishing relationships with professionals from top companies in the country and sharing failures, ideas and goals is a pretty cool thing in our book.

Active Learning

It is so easy to get enthralled with the blog world and spend copious amounts of time listening to the smartest of smart peeps on their podcasts.

It’s great to take it all in, but at the end of the day, that’s all passive learning. You’re absorbing everything that they are saying, but really anyone can do that.

What matters is what you’re doing with that knowledge. Are you moving forward and testing out what you just read? Are you having conversations about what you want to try?

Even verbalizing out loud what you just read about can help you to process it fully.

We’re looking for early adopters (and feedback)!

At the moment, we’re running a beta version of the platform with a very limited number of features.

We’re currently working hard to onboard relevant professionals and successful founders onto our mentor platform while our team of developers is finishing the last touches on the platform.

And in case anyone’s wondering, to combat the chicken vs. egg issue, we’re focusing on supply first. Without it, nothing else really matters.

So if your expertise is worth sharing, we’d love to hear from you!

Any feedback we get at this early stage is extremely valuable so please leave comments through the following form.

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